Monday, December 8, 2008

Herpes: What You Need To Know

People have a common notion that herpes is a disease specifically acquired through sexual contact. But that isn't entirely true. Simple direct skin contact may also cause herpes virus transmission. Some people also believe that the herpes virus may be passed on via inanimate objects like toilet seats, etc. Although the last idea may be highly unlikely due to the fragility of the virus itself. The herpes virus passes through tiny breaks in the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth and genital areas. Healthy skin acts as really good protective barriers against this infection. In cases of mucous membranes, even the slightest scrape or scratch is enough to expose the nerve endings into which the herpes virus entwines itself. This is the main reason why herpes infections usually manifest in areas where mucous membranes and normal skin merges. A good example is the corner of your mouth. The virus has been said to be passed on by sharing razors with an infected person. Unlike toilet seats, the virus can survive in the moist areas between the blades. This disease may also be passed from mother to infant during birth, however, most cases show that infants acquire the said condition after birth.

Herpes may be categorized into oral and genital herpes. Oral herpes are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1). They are commonly referred to as cold sores or fever blisters. Fever blisters often appear as tiny, clear, fluid-filled blisters on the face. These usually appear on the lips. Genital herpes, on the other hand, is caused by HSV-2 and is characterized by painful, itchy sores in the genital area.

People infected with this virus usually do not know they have it because it manifests no symptoms. Its manifestations may be too simple that I can go unnoticed. Most reported cases noted that the first outbreak was the worst. Some never get the outbreak again, and some experience it again after a very long time.

When one has herpes, be it on the mouth of the genital region, you will notice the presence of small, red bumps, blisters, or open sores in the infected area. These blisters will be very itchy and/or painful to the touch. These blisters will rupture and become ulcerations that will eventually turn into scabs and heal on its own.

There is no true cure for herpes, only preventive measures for future breakouts. Antiviral medications like acyclovir and other similar drugs help lessen the symptoms and frequency of cold sore recurrences. Proper care for blisters before and after eruption may help lessen the discomfort one may feel during periods of outbreaks.

A parody song of Britney Spear's “Gimme More” discusses about the topic of herpes. The lines go like this: “ Every time you pull your pants down. You will know what I did that night with you. You've got blisters round that place now, it'll start itching very soon.” It may sound funny hearing about it in a song, but it brings up a pretty good point about having careless, casual sex with strangers. Next time you think of getting it on with someone you just met, think twice if you're ready for any complications it may bring.

Monday, November 10, 2008

What Is The Best Herpes Treatment & How Do You Prevent Breakouts?

Both conventional and alternative or natural therapies can be used for herpes treatment, though there is currently no cure for the disease. Those suffering with an outbreak of the virus may want to try various treatments to find an individualized “formula” that works for them, helping them minimize symptoms and speed the healing process.

Herpes treatment options can help control symptoms during an outbreak. New infections are typically the worst, and once a person gets through the initial infection, he or she should find that subsequent episodes are shorter and less intense than the first. Outbreaks, however, appear when they are least welcome, during periods of emotional or physical stress on the body that has diminished immune system function.

Before we discuss the newest herpes treatments, let's start with the conventional options. There are antiviral medications such as Valtrex prescribed to treat symptoms and to help prevent future outbreaks. Some cold sore medications may help prevent the growth and spread of lesions by creating a film over the top of the blisters. Anti-microbial creams are being developed that may be effective against herpes, particularly in preventing the spread of the virus. Since herpes-related skin lesions are often painful, over-the-counter pain medications can be helpful with pain control as well as fever relief.

The newest herpes treatments are natural remedies that may offer relief from symptoms without the side effects that can accompany the use of prescription medications. Natural treatments for herpes include nutritional supplements geared at shortening symptomatic outbreaks and aiding the healing process of lesions. For example, adding the amino acid lysine to the diet may help both in the treatment and prevention of herpes outbreaks. Natural herbal antiviral therapies can help fight the virus while boosting the immune system.

Home remedies are also among popular treatments for herpes. Since the skin lesions caused by the virus have been found to heal most quickly when they are kept clean and dry, infected areas should be cleaned and then dried well yet gently with a towel or a cool hair dryer on the cool setting.

Soaking affected skin in a salt bath can encourage the sores to dry up and can feel soothing to the irritated skin. Ice can be used as a natural pain and inflammation reducer. Drinking plenty of water is effective in controlling a mild fever and keeping the body as healthy as possible as it fights the herpes symptoms.

Those with genital herpes lesions inside the urethra will find that remaining hydrated helps reduce pain during urination since the urine is diluted.

Researchers continue to investigate the virus to help develop better treatments, a vaccine, and a cure for herpes. Additional natural remedies are also under investigation. For now, the best defense against a flare-up of herpes symptoms is a strong immune system built through a healthy lifestyle, including stress management, good nutrition, and adequate sleep.

Talk to your doctor to decide whether conventional or one of the newest herpes treatments is right for you.

Sheldon Miller is a health researcher who has been studying natural remedies for herpes and other STDs for many years. He is a regular contributor to Herpes Symptoms & Treatment. Find out about conventional and alternative herpes treatment options on the site.

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Sunday, November 2, 2008

Having Stress With Herpes

Herpes is a virus that preys really host the central nervous system. When a person who has the herpes virus is above their game, the virus is kept silent. With nerves hidden in a site of infection, but when stress strikes is like a red flag to the virus - the celebration for the former HSV. (Funny how it has the same initials as a big red car).

Often it is just when a person thinks "nothing else can take place" when the herpes appears to say, "remember me" with Dr. Evil smile. The best way of prevent herpes outbreaks, and to minimize them when they occur is really to manage stress. Some types are harder then others to face May ie be easier to cut back on caffeine, it is to lock your partner in the closet to feel calm.

Improving diet can help reduce stress, just think of all the Conservatives useless crap, caffeine, sugar and chemicals whoseewhatsit which is on sale in supermarkets around the world. If your body is taken, the digestion and absorption of real food - food, he knows and understands the body and then stress will be less. Vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish and fresh meat are food agency recognizes easily. All our enzymes have a food group whom they deal, and when he created are chemically and non-healthy foods be ingested daily balance is well and truly laid off. And the herpes virus is here to jump and eat it.

The herpes virus eat foods rich in arginine and is inhibited by foods rich in lysine. If you have the Herpes virus chances are that you've heard of these two amino acids - if it is time to meet. High-Lysine foods include fish, chicken, lamb, milk, beer yeast, mung bean sprouts and oatmeal. Top Arginine Foods (to avoid during home) are peanuts, pecans, cashews, almonds, chocolate, peas, garlic, ginseng, whole wheat. It is a good idea to adopt the directive around any time of stress.

It is good to take a note of the arginine-lysine factor with regard to the stress and herpes viruses, as some food classics are those of our hands out when one wants to feel better, especially chocolate and bread. It is not difficult to eliminate such a short time when the other option is suffering a herpes virus. For other options, food is an excellent idea to see a naturopath who can provide a measure which has specific plan.

Other ways a naturopath can help eliminate outbreaks of herpes viruses is to provide a plan to stress is treated easily, and it is comfortable to stay healthy with an impenetrable immune system.

The herpes virus is a serious condition and may be severe with large numbers of people. The stigma attached to the Herpes virus adds to stress, particularly genital herpes. A great stress reduction activity could be to join a herpes chat room, or tell a close friend, if you've always someone to talk about this. Having always the information is really useful not only for recovery but an extraordinary life and health.
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Herpes and the Pain

These two types of herpes virus live in neurons lymph nodes near the site of infection. For cold sores pose latent virus in the region around the ATM nerves in the genital herpes virus poses latent in the lumbar area sacred. When the virus activates a symptom of fire is pain and tenderness in the nerve where the virus was alive.

This type of pain that the herpes virus inflicts on its host (or poor victim) is similar to the sciatic nerve pain, and that small continues, it is located on the site of the first infection. The pain is more radiant and can be incredibly intense. In genital herpes that can cause discomfort during the meeting, urinating and serious epidemics in the march may even aggravate the pain.

With cold sores (herpes), the pain can be aggravated by wind, salt or acidic foods and division if, in the corners of his mouth. As with any type of failure in the mouth, it is extremely difficult not to play with it with the language or teeth, which in turn, take longer to heal, but with the intense pain -- What are you doing?

A mixture of news and internal applications herbs help to minimize the pain while treating herpes virus. St John's Wort is a great herb to treat herpes, because it has an affinity for the virus, and has historically been used to treat nerve pain. St John's Wort is also a great Nervine often used to treat depression. Before considering the use of St John's Wort to treat herpes, it is crucial to check with a naturopath or medical herbs such as St. John's Wort not interact with some prescription medicines.

Propolis topical is extremely effective to minimize duplication and pain of a herpes outbreak. Studies have shown that propolis reduce recovery time and severity of the epidemic. Often, herbalists make a balm or ointment be applied only in the affected region. It is essential to use a cotton bud or some kind of device so as to avoid spreading the infection.

Having a friend to talk symptoms of herpes virus May help alleviate some of the physical pain, especially with genital herpes. It is a virus fully loaded, it sticks around, taps into the nerves and strikes at the emotions of guilt and shame. Having all this to organize and cope with being uncomfortable and descent is a lot to have to carry. There are also support groups around each community where the stories can be shared and solutions found.

For a well-rounded and well-being of individuals Herpes plan, it is a good idea to consult a naturopath or medical herbs. Each infected person will have a somewhat different symptoms image and have different triggers. The best way to avoid the pain of herpes is to build an impenetrable immune system, which will keep the virus dormant forever. I think that herpes as a barometer for the host of health. If the host is strong, integrity and balanced mind, body, feeling and spirit, then the virus will be no room to move. However, a small problem in all sectors and the virus can come alive and revel in the misery in incurs.
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Treating Herpes the Natural Way

Once you have contracted herpes, it is important to reach an agreement with the fact that you are going to do for the rest of your life. Do not let this fear you, because herpes does not have to control your life. In fact, most of the time, the virus remains dormant. There are effective treatments herpes. Here are some tips to help you feel comfortable living with herpes, a prospect that you will find is not as daunting as it sounds.

1. You are probably suffering from feelings of guilt and anger projected to yourself. Forgiving you will be essential to your quality of life and the first step to do what forgiveness is the person who gave you the virus. Holding a trigger resentment stress that aggravate your virus. You'll feel much more at peace once you learn to engage in the power of forgiveness.

2. Many people with herpes bear a stigma they bring to them, making them feel ashamed and ostracized. Forgiving you will help alleviate these feelings so that your self is not compromised. After all, you are the same person you were before you contracted the virus. More than half of American adults have some form of the herpes virus and most of them bring shame on themselves. How do you feel about will probably be a projection of how others think of you.

3. Tell family members, sexual partners and close friends that you have herpes virus. You'll feel much better when you have the support of those you love who can help share the burden of knowledge. Let others know you are at peace with the fact that you have herpes. Being in peace will help you feel better about the continuation of support from members of the community.

4. Be very familiar with what will trigger your virus so that you can get in the habit of controlling your diet and your habits. Herpes remain dormant for most of the time, but it will re-activate itself when it is triggered by stress, poor diet choices, overexposure to the sun, the yeast Candida, excessive consumption of drugs or " alcohol, lack of sleep, or unprotected sex with an infected partner. These are all signals that follow the virus, but it will remain dormant until one of these signals is triggered.

5. Making peace with your herpes virus and do everything in your power to maintain peace in your mind. This will help prevent the virus from the awakening of your body. Many people seek peace and balance through prayer, meditation or visualization; find the method that works for you and get in the habit of repeating every day. Soon, engaging in these and other healthy habits become second nature, and not just your herpes is more likely to remain dormant in your body, but in your mind as well. So you keep the virus to rule your life.

Here are some examples of things you should and should not eat when infected with herpes:

Avoid all types of caffeine - even chocolate, tea and coffee. Avoid nuts, seeds (with the exception of hemp and linen), gelatin, cereals, carob, and raisins. Do not use nicotine or drink excessively. Avoid L-lysine is not to be found naturally in foods, but also remain on the sidelines of DMSO, hydrogen peroxide, and nonoxynol-9. Although presented as such, are not magical quick fixes for herpes.

Enjoy foods that are rich in omega fatty acids, like salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, olives, avocados, and hemp and flax seeds. Eat plenty of garlic or take a supplement of garlic. Take a supplement of selenium or eating yeast beer. Engaging in a regime that is low in sugar with moderate amounts of whole grain breads and pasta. Eating organic yogurt per day with at least 2.5% fat. Get all day in a routine exercise, sport or yoga, tai-chi, or qi gong and practice.
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Recognizing and Understanding Genital Herpes

How can you tell someone has genital herpes? Do you look at the person? Ask yourself and look straight in the eye? Do not ask about their sex life? Well, my answer is no, maybe and perhaps.

It May be a good idea to ask someone if they are conscious of having genital herpes. The more sexual partners a person has had in their lives, the more they are likely to be infected with herpes. But these methods are totally inadequate. Did you know that the majority of people who have genital or oral herpes are not aware of it? So how do you explain that? Simple, many oral or genital herpes only people infected have no symptoms of herpes, others have symptoms that are mild enough to confuse them with a rash or a mosquito bite or whatever this is causing May, redness, swelling, itching, burning and blisters, May and some not even know what the symptoms are herpes.

The fact that someone does not have herpes or recognize the symptoms does not mean that they have not. About 25% of the U.S. population is infected with genital herpes, with women being more affected than men. Studies have shown that the vast majority (80% -90%) persons who have genital herpes have not been diagnosed with the disease.

According to a recent article published by the Carnegie Mellon University in January 2006, most sexually active adolescent girls know almost nothing about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), with the exception of AIDS, before it is too late. Another 2006 study led by Dr. Herbert Kaufman, Boyd professor of Ophthalmology at Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center in New Orleans, found the herpes virus-1 in 98 percent of participants in good health . None of them showed any symptoms, but they throw the herpes virus in their saliva and tears at least once during the 30 days of study. Although this study does not directly target genital herpes, it shows that most people can be totally ignorant of carrying the virus and be infected with herpes.

The surrender or excretion means that the virus is present on the skin and ready to be transmitted. Herpes is transmitted by skin contact 98% of the time. Studies have shown that excretion occur in May nearly 40% of HSV-2 (most often associated with genital herpes) of those infected. Excretion viral symptoms last May 1 to 5 days, which means that a person can be contagious without showing any symptoms at the time. The average duration of each period of viral shedding was determined by laboratory studies, but is just an estimate.

So how can you say for a fact if someone has genital herpes? The only way to know is to examine blood, swab or PCR test results. Swab and PCR tests are very accurate when they detect herpes. However, if a test was carried out late or returned at the end laboratory, May return a false negative result. Western blot test, a blood test, is the most accurate test, but a May return false negative if the person has been infected in the past 3 months. It is not easy to know whether a person has genital herpes or not.

A final consideration, herpes simplex
1 or HSV-1 usually causes oral herpes and cold sores and herpes simplex-2, genital herpes. But herpes virus-1 genital herpes is increasingly common nowadays. It is mainly transmitted during oral sex of a person who has an infection by oral herpes with or without symptoms. So if get genital herpes is a concern for you, you should consider oral herpes and genital herpes when he asked a partner.

As you can see, it is very difficult to assess whether a partner has genital herpes. There is no proven products in order to prevent transmission of genital herpes at the moment. Some are currently being tested for FDA approval and, hopefully, be marketed soon. In the meantime, the best option is to use a condom.
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Some Remedy for Herpes Relief

For those of you who suffer from cold sores (herpes) or fever blisters, you're familiar with the discomfort and painful blisters that an outbreak brings you. To find a home remedy for herpes is particularly critical when you become aware that an outbreak is imminent by the first sense tingle. After that you'll feel a little hard spot, then that in a day or 2 a painful blister were laid appeared on your lip or other body and be there for a week or more.

The herpes and fever blisters are contagious and can be transmitted by kissing, drinking glasses and silverware so exercise caution. It is all stages of the epidemic and are contagious. The cold sores or herpes on the lip are caused by herpes simplex virus 1 and those are caused by genital herpes simplex virus 2.

Here are a number of home remedy for herpes treatment which have been shown to effectively treat the symptoms and duration of the outbreak. However, if you are already prescribed with some form of medication by your doctor can talk to him before you try one of these home remedies and even talk to him if you're not on prescription drugs.

Lemon Balm - It has antiviral properties and help reduce the time for healing to 5 days. It was also found that it helps reduce the frequency of new outbreaks occur.

By pressing a bag of hot tea against the hull pain and itching will be reduced. This is spoken on a number of Web sites and allows relief and comfort.

Hamamélis is used by many problems for the skin and it reported under herpes and cold sores and relief. Many teenagers, it helps to find their acne cure quickly and it works well for various wounds.

Taking lysine help your body to have the correct ratio of amino acids that certain protein powders are high in May and Argine skimp on lysine. Peanuts may also be the organ of balance in the right ratio of amino acids.

Reishi - This is a type of fungus that is commonly used in Asian medicine to a person strengthens the immune system and has also been found to help control the spread of herpes viruses. It can be taken either in powder or complete the form.

Grapes are in the red titles and reseratrol is a cream that can be applied directly to herpes or cold sores. The cream is made from red grapes. It would help the virus to be removed and the future of judgement fever blisters erupt.

In addition to home remedies for cold sores and fever blister relief do not forget to check your diet and make sure your protein amino acid balance is good (or take lysine). By eating a balanced diet you sleep better and who also has an effect on health and the immune system.
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Begone With Sores and Oral Herpes

How to get rid of cold sores is not more difficult. By the time you finish reading this article, you'll undoubtedly learn how to get rid of cold sores and oral herpes with ease.

Knowing how to get rid of cold sores really make life much brighter for you. I am sure that now you have seen or heard the hype. People try to tell you about trying some secret formula that the best answer to how to get rid of cold sores.

We buy and give it a fair try. It is proving to be a simple product that did not live up to promises.

If you are serious about how to get rid of cold sores, then first you should understand what their cause. Thereafter, the wildfires councils treatment will be much more sense for you.

The cause of oral herpes every home - if you call them cold sores and fever blisters - is the virus herpes simplex. It could be either type 1 or type 2 variety. They both create lesions identical.

The virus infects nearly 90% of the global population. Not only is it very contagious, but tough. He lives for a lifetime in nerve fibers near the area of initial infection.

For most of your life, labial herpes virus is asleep and not hurt. In fact, one third of those infected will never get a cold sore. The other two thirds will get at least one per year - more often.

When the stress enters your life, it weakens your immunity. The herpes virus is this opportunity to respond. It moves along the nerve to the surface. There he enters cells and turns them into virus factories.

Once full of new copies of the virus, the cells break open and release them. All these cells close burst creates oral herpes herpes labialis you see and feel.

Now, your body has the chore for the construction of new skin cells and replace those destroyed.

Your energy level will determine how quickly the cold sores heal completely. Also, good construction materials - such as proteins, vitamins and minerals - are needed in large quantities.

Our main objective now is to explain how getting rid of cold sores that you currently active. However, you will also see how to prevent oral herpes future cold sores.

1. First warnings of impending cold sores

When a new cold sore is just hours away, you'll feel the virus is moving to the surface as a tingling or itching. Treat quickly the area could delay or discourage oral herpes from developing painful.

Do not delay. Once you experience these symptoms, apply ice cubes in the region. This discourages the herpes virus to reproduce. Sometimes the herpes virus and simply gives back underground. Beautiful.

2. KEEPING THE own button fever A must for quick healing

It is no secret that your body knows how to get rid of buttons fever. One way your body does this by creating a thick liquid to take away as many new virus oral herpes as possible.

This is where you can really help you.

Continually clean the cold sores of alcohol or hydrogen peroxide. Not only do you remove a large part of the virus this way, you will also avoid the spread of pain to another place or person.

3. Quick healing of an ulcer herpes labialis

The ice is great to reduce swelling and pain. But it slows down the process of healing a wound open. Once the cold sores opened, use the application of heat instead. This will bring more blood healing where you need it most.

Hot, black tea bags are great for this treatment. They are cheap and convenient. Tea also provides micro-nutrients that aid in cell protection and repair. Have each bag after use.

I suggest you warm the bags in the water. The microphone is a tendency to destroy or weaken the healing of nutrients in tea. Apply to a minimum of 15 minutes at a time. The more you keep your hot wound, the faster the results.

How to get rid of cold sores, you could be so easy to follow the suggestions above. May or want to know more effective and varied ways to prevent and cure your cold sores homes.

If yes, please do not hesitate to go on my website where you can find a ton of free articles to help you understand exactly how to get rid of cold sores now, and in the future.
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Herpes Virus Family Facts

To most people the word "herpes" conjures up an image of genital herpes, the incurable virus that is transmitted through sexual contact and causes blisters on the genitals. However herpes is in fact a family of viruses that is extremely widespread and can cause a number of conditions affecting the skin, mouth, eyes, brain or, in rare cases, the whole body.

Some estimates suggest that as many as 1 in 6 people may carry some form of the herpes virus in their body, either active or inactive.

Forms of the herpes virus include herpes simplex type 1 (cold sores), herpes simplex type 2 (genital herpes), varicella-zoster virus (chickenpox), cytomegalovirus (mild hepatitis), Epstein-Barr virus (mononucleosis) and herpes-zoster (shingles). All of these conditions are caused by viruses in the herpes family.

Two similar conditions, herpes gestationis and dermatitis herpetiformis, both produce herpes-like blisters on the skin but are not related to or caused by any of the various herpes viruses.

The many diseases that are caused by the herpes virus may differ widely from one another, but they all share
a few common traits:

They are generally very contagious.

The viruses can survive in latent form for long periods of time after the initial infection.

They are not curable. (However, there are effective treatments that can render the virus dormant, even in genital herpes)
Estimates suggest that nearly 30 million Americans are infected with herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and despite many studies over many years there has been little success in developing either a cure or an effective vaccine.

Many of the viruses in the herpes family do not recur after the initial disease outbreak, such as chicken pox for example. However all herpes viruses, when not active, remain dormant in your body, hidden in nerve tissues and escaping detection by the immune system.

It is unsure exactly how and why a latent herpes virus will suddenly trigger into an active infection, however it is known that certain stresses to the immune system appear to bring on an outbreak. These stresses that may lead to outbreaks include illness, injury, emotional stress, poor diet, over exposure to sunlight, and even menstruation.

A strong immune system seems to lessen recurrence of outbreaks, though outbreaks may continue throughout life. Studies show that chickenpox and shingles have a recurrence of nearly zero while HSV-1 has a recurrence rate of 14 percent and herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) has a recurrence rate of 60 percent.

It is HSV-2 that most commonly causes genital infections, and HSV-1 that most commonly causes infections of the lips; however either viruses can be passed from one location to the other.

Studies have also shown that herpes sores can also provide an entryway for other infections.
Women with the herpes virus may even have an increased risk of cervical cancer and it is important for any women who has had herpes to have a cervical smear test (Pap test) every one or two years.

Whether you have been diagnosed with some form of herpes or not, practicing common sense prevention can go a long way in controlling the spread of herpes. For instance, avoid kissing persons who currently have sores on their mouth or lips.
Always practice safe sex in non-monogamous relationships and avoid all sexual contact with any partner who is exhibiting symptoms of an active outbreak of genital herpes until symptoms have disappeared. While most, but not all, male genital herpes outbreaks are easily detected, female genital herpes outbreaks can many times go completely unnoticed. In fact, many women with genital herpes don't realize they have contracted the virus until they have passed it on to a partner.

Using a condom may or may not prevent the spread of the herpes virus from one partner to another, whether one partner has an active outbreak or not; So while using condoms may be better than no protection at all, you should be aware that even condoms are not 100% effective in protecting against the transmission of the herpes virus.

If you have a history of herpes, avoid getting overtired or allowing yourself to get run down. When you are fatigued, your immune system cannot function as well, and you may be more vulnerable to a recurrence of herpes.

If you suspect you might have some form of the herpes virus or if you have a partner that has herpes, please see your local health care provider for a diagnosis and medical advise.
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Some Facts About Herpes

For most people the word "herpes" evokes an image of genital herpes, the incurable virus that is transmitted through sexual contact and causes blisters on the genitals. But herpes is actually a family of viruses that is extremely widespread and can cause a number of conditions that affect the skin, mouth, eyes, brain or, in rare cases, the entire body.

Some estimates suggest that the greatest number of 1 to May 6 people exercise some form of the herpes virus in their body, whether active or inactive.

The forms of herpes viruses including herpes simplex type 1 (cold sores), herpes simplex type 2 (genital herpes), varicella (chickenpox), cytomegalovirus (mild hepatitis), viruses d 'Epstein-Barr (mononucleosis) and herpes zoster (shingles). All these conditions are caused by viruses in the herpes family.

Two similar conditions, Herpes Gestationis and dermatitis herpetiformis, both produce herpes type blisters on the skin, but which are not related to or caused by one of several herpes viruses.

Many diseases that are caused by the herpes virus May are very different from each other, but they all share some common traits:

They are usually highly contagious.

The virus can survive in latent for long periods of time after initial infection.

They are not curable. (However, there are effective treatments that can make the virus dormant, even in genital herpes) According to estimates, nearly 30 million Americans are infected with herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and despite numerous studies over the years, there has been little success in developing a cure or effective vaccine.

Most herpes virus in the family did not recur after the first outbreak, such as chickenpox, for example. But all herpes viruses when they are not active, which remain dormant in your body, hidden in nerve tissue and avoid detection by the immune system.

He was not sure exactly how and why a latent herpes virus outbreak in a sudden active infection, but it is known that some stresses the immune system appear to bear on an outbreak. These May stresses that lead to outbreaks of disease, injury, emotional stress, poor diet, over exposure to sunlight, and even the rules.

An immune system appears to reduce the recurrence of outbreaks, although outbreaks continue May to life. Studies show that chickenpox and shingles have a recurrence of nearly zero while HSV-1 has a recurrence rate of 14 per cent and herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) has a recurrence rate of 60 percent.

It is HSV-2 that most commonly causes genital infections, and HSV-1 that most cases of infection causes lips, but the two viruses can be transmitted from one place to another.

Studies have also shown that herpes lesions can also provide input for other infections. Women who have herpes virus May have an increased risk of cancer of the cervix and it is important that women who took the herpes to have a smear cervical test (test Pap) every one or two years.

Whether you have been diagnosed with some form of herpes or not, practicing common sense prevention can go a long way in the fight against the spread of herpes. For example, avoid kissing people who currently have wounds on their lips or mouth. Always practice safe sex in monogamous relationships and avoid sexual contact with a partner who presents symptoms of an outbreak of active genital herpes until symptoms have disappeared. While most but not all, male genital herpes outbreaks are easily detected, female genital herpes outbreaks may go completely unnoticed many times. In fact, many women with genital herpes do not realize they have contracted the virus until they have passed to a partner.

The use of a condom May or May not prevent the spread of herpes virus one partner to another, if one partner has a home asset or not; Thus, while the use of condoms May be better than no protection at all, you must be aware that even condoms are not 100% effective in protecting against transmission of the herpes virus.

If you have a history of herpes, avoid overtired or allow yourself to work. When you're tired, your immune system can not work together, you May and be more vulnerable to a recurrence of herpes.

If you suspect you may have some form of the herpes virus or if you have a partner who has herpes, please see your health care provider for diagnosis and medical advisor.
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Trying to Find a Cure for Herpes

Survey currently on a vaccine against herpes effective and there is a general consensus that something should be available in 3-5 years. But these vaccines will be limited in their function as will prevent infection in new patients. Those who have the virus herpes simplex already living in their bodies will probably not benefit.

There have been attempts to make vaccines that will prevent HSV accident, but not with much success, unfortunately. GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals has started a trial in November 2002 in this direction and we hope we should see progress in the years to come.

Isoniplex (Isoprinosine) was approved for use in HSV infections in about 56 countries because of its antiviral action and its ability to stimulate the body's immune response. In the USA, Isoniplex is currently under investigation and testing for HSV primary and renewable. It May is not a cure now, but there are medicines help reduce the frequency and duration of an outbreak and your doctor will be able to give you a pretty good idea of your options.

You natural healing process will be aided by the fact that the area is kept clean and dry during an epidemic. Hot showers are recommended to clean the infected area, then gently towel dry or with a hair dryer on low or cool. Avoid tight-fitting clothing to avoid chaffing. Creams and lotions May only irritate preference to avoid using any of these. But at the end of the day, it is a healthy immune system is important in the fight against the virus with good nutrition, exercise, and rest.

Alternative solutions are now being discussed are listed in which two methods of control: immunotherapy and antiviral therapy. Antiviral therapy is the development of drugs that can identify the cells that harbour the virus and distinguish them from others. The drugs must work so that they completely destroy the virus, without leaving fragments or production of mutants May resurface later in infected cells. Basically what is required is that antivirals should be fatal to the virus and must be non-toxic to the body's cells. Immunotherapy deals with agents in development that contribute to the fight against the virus naturally by the body by stimulating the immune response system. Some substances currently available can activate specialized white blood cells.

The amino acid lysine has been found to control herpes and researchers have found that if the free form lysine is added to a diet rich in lysine and arginine poor, it seems useful. The viral replication has grown in tissue culture studies when the amino acid arginine ratio of lysine promotes arginine. A higher ratio of lysine to arginine will suppress viral replication and prevent cytopathogenicity of herpes simplex virus. L-Lysine is regarded as an effective agent for reducing the incidence, severity and recovery time for infection reoccurs HSV.

Foods that are most lysine that arginine are fish, chicken, beef, lamb, milk, cheese, beans, brewer's yeast and soy seeds. Peas, gelatin, chocolate, carob, coconut, oats, whole wheat, white flour, peanuts, soybeans and wheat germ are known to have more than arginine lysine.
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How to control your herpes outbreaks

Herpes is a virus that affects the human nervous system, modifying the DNA of the nerve cells supplying the skin through which the virus entered. Most patients suffer from recurrences that may vary in frequency from once in a lifetime to several recurrences a year. The average rate of recurrences is about four times per year. Recurrences usually take about a week or so to heal.

People living with herpes face a sad reality. There is no cure for the disease yet. Although encouraging research is progressing in the field, there is some sound advice that can be followed to control the relapse and frequency of outbreaks.

Some of these factors that believed to cause herpes outbreaks are:

* Excessive exposure to sunlight
* Chocolate, nuts and poor diet
* Lack of proper rest
* Menstrual cycle
* Emotional stress
* Physical stress or repetitive trauma such as in sexual intercourse
* Injury
* Illness accompanied by fever
* Surgical trauma
* Steroidal medication such as asthma medication

Stress is a major stimulant of recurrent herpes outbreaks. You cannot eliminate the stress in your life, but it certainly is possible to decrease the frequency of recurrences by controlling the stress level that we expose ourselves to. Getting plenty of rest and leading a balanced life is critical in controlling herpes outbreaks. Typically, important events involving an increased level of activity such as a wedding or graduation can trigger an outbreak. Each individual is different and will come to identify what triggers an outbreak in their particular case.

Managing genital herpes during pregnancy is very important to the health of the soon-to-be-born infant. Neonatal herpes although rare is a very serious condition. Infants exposed to herpes simplex virus can experience brain infection, seizures, prolonged hospitalization, mental retardation, and death if the infection takes hold.

Certain nutrients and vitamins such as beta-carotene, vitamin C & E and zinc can help prevent herpes outbreaks. It has been know for some time now that the amino acid lysine can help to reduce both the frequency and duration of outbreaks. Good sources of lysine can be obtained from the following foods: margarine, plain yogurt, Swiss cheese and other dairy products, whey, papaya and beets.

Since the recurrence pattern of herpes is almost as varied as the people who harbor the virus, you every precaution possible should be taken to keep the virus in remission. For more information on the herpes virus, visit
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Herpes - Deadly Ailment

Herpes is a serious disease that has symptoms of inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes. It is caused by a virus of herpes. This virus may cause oral herpes that is manifested by sores and fever blisters and genital herpes manifested by sores in genital area of the body. There are two types of the virus of herpes the first one is called Herpes Simplex Type One and another is called Herpes Simplex Type Two or HSV-1 and HSV-2 relatively. Both viruses can be easily found in the blood test and studied under the microscope. The disease affects genital area or moth depending on the type of the virus. HSV-1 is responsible for oral blisters or any other blisters that develop above the waist and HSV-2 is responsible for blisters below the waist, usually in the genital area. The worst thing about this viral disease is that the immune system of the person affected with herpes weakens seriously so he becomes vulnerable to other diseases and ailments.


The symptoms of Herpes will become noticeable within 2-20 days after an individual was affected by the virus. Usually sores and lesions develop in different parts of the body, though symptoms may vary depending on the immune system of the individual. Getting into the skin, the virus begins multiplying and starts affecting new and new areas of the skin. Reddening of the skin and development of the bump is usually the first symptom of herpes. There are other common symptoms that usually appear, such as: fever, swollen glands, head ache and muscle ache. If a virus affects the urethra, a burning sensation may be felt.


There are special vaccines that may prevent herpes, but they are effective if done in the age of 3-5 years. Besides, vaccination is effective in the case of being affected by herpes for the first time. If a person had herpes before, vaccination becomes senseless. There are no medications that may cure this disease once and for all; there are certain drugs that reduce the duration and frequency of the outbreaks of this disease. It is important to maintain the affected part of the skin clean, as it helps our immune system to overcome the virus and activate natural healing process. A patient should try and keep the infected part clean as it improves with the natural healing process. Regular warm shower helps natural curing as well.

Maintaining a good physical form and proper balanced nutrition also helps to get rid of herpes by means of strengthening of the immune system. Antiviral and immunotherapy are also necessary to treat herpes effectively. The main goal of the antiviral therapy is the usage of the drugs that can distinguish between normal healthy cells and cells affected with the virus. The drug should destroy affected cells without any damage to the organism. Antiviral agents are lethal for the viruses staying non-toxic for the body in the whole. Newly developed concept in healing herpes is immunotherapy; it deals with improving the immune system of the body thus helping us to defeat the virus. Some chemical elements can stimulate the white blood cells, thus improving the immune system. One of such substances is Amino Acid Lysine; it is proven to help in treating of the herpes.
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A Treatment for Herpes

There is no current cure for genital herpes. However, for millions of people living with the genital herpes, it is a treatment which is shown to dramatically reduce the number of households is a person. The treatment of genital herpes is Valtrex. If you're one of millions who suffer, or think you suffer from herpes, it is time to act. To get tested by your doctor, ask him to help daily Valtrex possible treatment proactive.

What are the symptoms?

Prior to convince you to get tested and try the latest genital herpes treatment, it is important that you understand the symptoms so that you are not subject to the same myths that continue to contribute to the perpetuation of this disease. Genital herpes is more of a gallbladder
, actually, it is a virus that is dormant in the spine after each outbreak. Most often, people living with herpes get the commonly called angina, but sometimes an outbreak is a little more stinging, redness and maybe a few bumps. So if you feel that May, get tested and get treatment.

Valtrex is the only drug on the market?

Although Valtrex is certainly one of the last treatment of genital herpes to hit the general public, it is not the only drug available. There some treatments available: These acyclovir particular, famciclovir Zovirax, Famvir and valacyclovir. However, Valtrex is one of the only drugs currently available that are taken every day. As a result, it has a success rate more when it comes to reducing recidivism.

What are the side effects?

Unfortunately, even a recent genital herpes treatment, is not without side effects. Indeed, it is a drug and, like any other drug, sometimes reacts negatively in certain body types. From this perspective, know that Valtrex is intended only for patients with a healthy immune system, which includes patients with advanced HIV infection. Also, be sure to inform your doctor should you suffer from kidney problems, because May to amend your dose accordingly.

No, there is no cure for herpes. However, with the last genital herpes treatment, it is now possible to live a life that is free outbreak. Can you imagine? More embarrassing and painful wounds, ie not more time fidgeting in your chair or at work trying to identify equipment that is comfortable when nothing is really? For this type of freedom, contact your doctor today and ask them to Valtrex.
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Finest and Easy to Find Home Remedies For Herpes

There are many prescription medicines intended to cure herpes, but still the role of efficient home remedies for herpes is still trusted by most herpes patients. This is probably because natural treatments are less expensive. Due to the high demands more and more ideas and information regarding home remedies for herpes continue to emerge, which is a good thing for many herpes sufferers.

Different treatments bring about different effects to varying individuals. An effective treatment method to one can't have the same favorable effects to another. The rationale behind this consequence is because every individual is different with one another. The most effective approach is to try out various methods and not solely rely on a single treatment alone. Doing this is crucial in occasions when the other one is not available within a certain period of time. Having supplementary home remedies for herpes can help you when faced in times of unavailability.

One of the most important steps to preventing herpes to aggravate is to always keep the genital area clean and dry. This will help promote faster healing of present sores in the genital area. You can also keep it dry by smattering it with baby powder after patting it dry shortly after washing with water.

Bitter melon is also one of the most valuable home remedies for herpes. Extracted juice from bitter melon should be continuously consumed for four weeks and discontinue for the next four weeks. The extract has been proven to be effective in killing strains of herpes. However, those who have previous history of liver infection and HIV AIDS are greatly advised not to take this treatment option.

Hot Epson salt bath can help heal the herpes sores faster and at the same time is vital for pain relief. Pour a considerable amount of Epson salt as you fill the bath tub with hot water that you can tolerate. Sit in the tub for at least thirty minutes for at least twice a day. It would also be helpful if you will apply olive oil after the bath rub.

A slice of lemon directly applied in the sores can help provide instantaneous relief and help in faster healing of the swollen areas usually within the timeframe of two to three days.

Tea tree oil is one of the most in effect home remedies of herpes because of its antibiotic property. Considered as a natural antibiotic; tea tree oil can help kill and eliminate the virus present in the sores. Apply it in the swollen affected areas several times a day.

Other good treatments:

• Slice a lemon and put the slice on the herpes.
• Take 1 garlic clove and apply on the herpes to help it go away.
• Make tea tree oil, soak a cotton ball in the tea and apply on the herpes to make it go away.
• Make a cup of black coffee, strain the liquid and use the dough to apply on the herpes.
• Cut aloe vera leaf and apply the liquid on the herpes.
• Grown-ups remedy for herpes: Soak a cotton wool in vodka and apply on the herpes.

Natural treatments for herpes are unceasingly emerging one by one; try experimenting on which one will bring more positive consequences in your case. This will help you evaluate which ones should be considered as the best home remedies for herpes for you.
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Natural Herpes Treatments - General

Herpes does not discriminate. People from all walks of life suffer from genital herpes, brought on by the herpes simplex virus, or HSV II. Once the body becomes infected with HSV 2, the virus never leaves the body.

There are various prescription genital herpes treatments that are available on the market today. These products don't actually cure herpes, as there is no cure. Instead, the reduce outbreaks and the appearance of warts. The only problem is that prescribed treatments can come with some very nasty side effects, and are rather expensive.

There are some natural treatments however, that can be equally, if not more, effective than other prescription and over the counter products. There are a number of oils that can be applied directly to the effected area. Unlike oral medications, oils that can be applied directly to the outbreaks, can treat the skin directly without having to work its way through the body.

There are natural oral therapies available as well. These generally contain a high concentration of vitamins, antioxidants, and monolaurin. Together, these compounds boost the body's immune system, empowering your body to handle the outbreak on its own, reducing outbreak frequency and severity.

In recent years, leading natural herpes treatment producers have been able to fortify monolaurin. In 100% pearlized form, monolaurin can be extremely effective. Be wary of products that don't contain pure monolaurin, as they are loaded up with non-active ingredients, which are essentially fillers. The greatest benefit of this kind of treatment is that no side effects have been associated with its use.

Used as a dietary health supplement, these products won't work over night. They work by establishing a healthy foundation that will not only help your body fight off herpes but other viruses and disease causing bacterias as well. After a few month you will begin to see some significant changes. After a few months, the vitamins and other supplements have time to work their way through the body, building up its defenses all around.

Most importantly, these natural remedies don't have adverse reactions with other medications. Natural herpes treatments can also be taken while pregnant. There aren't any complications that can come from natural treatment, so you have nothing to lose. But a lot to gain.
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The Truth About Genital Herpes

Genital herpes
is a rapidly growing sexually transmitted disease. An estimated 25 percent of American adults are infected with genital herpes, that’s at least 45 million people, ages 12 and older. Out of those 45 million, 80 percent are unaware that they have it.

How do people get genital herpes?

Genital herpes is an STD caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2), although most genital herpes is caused by HSV-2. HSV-1 and HSV-2 is found in and can be released from the sores that the viruses cause. Although transmitting herpes is more common during an outbreak, it is still possible to transmit the infection when no sores are present. HSV-1 can also cause genital herpes, but more commonly causes mouth infections called cold sores or fever blisters.

What are the signs and symptoms of genital herpes?

80 percent of individuals who are infected with genital herpes are unaware that they have it. The first outbreak of herpes can be quite extreme and usually occurs within two weeks after the virus is transmitted. The sores typically heal within two to four weeks, but can be accompanied by flu-like symptoms. Because the signs and symptoms can greatly vary from person to person, it’s important to make a visit to your health care provider for proper diagnosis.

What are the side effects of genital herpes?

Genital herpes can cause recurrent painful sores, especially in people with weak immune systems. Although it is rare, genital herpes can lead to fatal infections in babies if the mother contracts herpes during late pregnancy. If a woman has an outbreak at the time of delivery, a cesarean delivery is usually performed.

Is there a treatment for herpes?

There is currently no treatment that can cure herpes, but there are medications that can be taken to shorten and prevent outbreaks while the person is taking the medication. There are also medications that can be taken to reduce the possibility of transmission to partners.

How can herpes be prevented?

The best way to avoid getting any sexually transmitted disease, including genital herpes, is to abstain from sexual contact with anyone who has not been tested for STDs. Another option is to be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and is known to be uninfected. Although condoms aren’t 100% effective, correct and consistent use of condoms can reduce the risk of transmitting genital herpes. If you have been diagnosed with herpes, it’s crucial to abstain from sexual activity with uninfected people. Although it is less likely for herpes to be transmitted when there isn’t a visual outbreak, it isn’t impossible. Always inform your partner if you’ve been infected with an STD, or limit your dating to other singles with herpes.
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Step to Take When Your Herpes are Breaking Out

Well, herpes is not necessarily a dangerous situation. Even if you know perfectly well that it is very aggravating! The first thing you must remember is that you need to avoid sexual contact when you experience a herpes outbreak blistering.

You must wait until all bulbs are gone, even the very sign of them. This means that the crusts are cured, slumped, and have now been replaced by a new skin. If you wait, there are several things you can do to ease the discomfort naturally. An ice usually relieve the pain and swelling associated with genital herpes, it is a good first step.

Another thing you can do is take a warm bath with baking soda. The baking soda is great because it can help reduce pain and itching all boring, too. When you finish your bath, make sure you dry carefully and thoroughly. You reduce uncomfortable symptoms retaining the affected areas clean and dry.

Another thing you can do is take natural supplements to slow the viral growth that occurs during a herpes outbreak. L-lysine, an amino acid, slows down virus growth, and zinc and other antioxidants May help, too.

A regime change is in order. Try to avoid foods that may suppress L-lysine, such as meat, seeds, nuts, dairy products and corn. A diet is limited to the left, of course, but it is better that a prolonged outbreak!

You can also help speed your recovery complete with immune. These include vitamin C, echinacea and goldenseal. But remember, if you are allergic to ragweed, avoid echinacea! Remember to get lots of sleep and reduce your stress level. This nature is the best immune reinforcements.

Treat your bulbs with a topical solution. A natural antiseptic is topical tea tree oil, may be used at half or full, several times a day.

If neither of these approaches natural contributes to obtain your herpes outbreak under control, contact your doctor. There are several drugs there that can help relieve your symptoms and your doctor may prescribe one.

Remember that no single treatment that can cure herpes, nor can they prevent the disease from spreading. This is natural and pharmaceutical remedies. Even sexual contact oral May spread of the disease, we must take care of yourself and your partner and wait a while!
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How To Get Rid Of Genital Herpes

Do you know that at least 45 million people of all ages have the herpes virus. That is equal to one out of five adults. Is it possible to completely cure herpes? Unfortunately no, at least not yet.

Once you have contracted the virus it never leaves your body. The herpes virus lives silently in the nerve endings at the base of the brain and in the spinal cord. This is a real nasty virus.

Is there any proven treatment to control herpes naturally?
Fortunately yes, there is good news.

You don't need to take prescription drugs which are very expensive and have a host of side effects. Alternatively, there are many options to bring this persistent and painful condition under control. It would take some work from you to change your life style. These proven methods work on oral, facial and genital herpes, shingles and mouth ulcers.

Let me share my story with you.

Many years ago I was foolish enough to have unprotected intercourse. Neither of us had any protection, but my girlfriend ushered me that she was free of any diseases. I realise now how naive I was. Maybe she really didn't know because of the early stage of infection. But that was no consolation to me since I contracted genital herpes
from her. It's terrible and and worst of all it's irreversible.

I felt like my future was going down the drain. I was going through hell and I felt ashamed to tell my best friend and even to go to the doctor. I kept my shame to myself hoping it will go away on its own. I got to a point where I could hardly walk because of the pain, itching and burning. I knew I had to get some help and that's when I learned what I actually contracted.

The medication that was prescribed helped me some, but the side effects were so horrible. While I was taking it, I felt sick, dizzy, nauseated and felt like fainting. After this I tried a different medication, but this one made me hallucinate. My life became a living nightmare. It was bad enough to live with genital herpes and mental frustration so the last thing I needed was a drug that causes hallucinations.

After a while my best friend noticed that I was not the same. He wanted to help and was curious to know what was bothering me. I finally told him my bad experience. He told me that maybe his aunt would be able to help me because she was suffering from genital herpes for a long time. She was keeping the virus under control with proven natural remedies.

I learned from her which foods to eat that discourage outbreaks. She explained to me that to be able to keep the virus at bay I would have to make some major changes in my lifestyle. She showed me what she uses and how to get rid of genital herpes or at least control it.

The combination of the following is what works for me and best of all without side affects.

1. I pay close attention to my hygiene, more than I ever did before. Now don't get me wrong; I was not a dirty person but there are different ways of being clean.

2. I make sure that my underwear are only cotton. I use organic based laundry detergent just for my underwear and I only sun dry them.

3. I don't wear heavy or tight pants or jeans and I change them often.

4. I use an herbal based, non-toxic and odorless product from Australia called "Charaphor." This is a topically applied product.

5. I stopped using sugar completely because sugar acts as a fertiliser for the herpes virus and it's also hard on the kidneys. Instead of sugar, I use unfiltered, organic raw honey in moderation. Honey is known for its antiseptic qualities.

6. To boost my immune system I use a "non-synthetic" blend of vitamins and minerals. I also take amino acids and a variety of herbal teas.

7. Avoid stress as much as possible. I noticed that when I am stressed out the virus starts to resurface. Stress breakes down the immune system. To combat stress, I set aside 30 minutes a day to listen to some meditative music or sounds of nature.

During my years of research of the herpes virus I have learned of many more helpful ways of keeping the virus at bay. To avoid the side effects and the dangers of prescription drugs, I only searched for natural treatments.

The herpes virus must not be taken lightly and it is crucial to keep your immune system in top condition at all time. I know that this may mean a huge change in your lifestyle, it did for me, but this is much easier than having to suffer. Until someone discovers a complete cure, which I believe will happen soon, I and many others feel that this is the best and proven method of treating herpes.
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Herpes Cure? What's That?

The herpes simplex virus has been aggravating the world since time immemorial. It is indeed a plague because there is no known herpes cure. Becuase herpes withdraws and hides in the nerves between outbreaks (it then lies dormant), it is virtually impossible for your body to fight it.

Herpes announces itself in an outbreak of tiny vessicles manily around the pubic region which later turn into open lesions. After an outbreak the HSV retreats back to the nerve endings and hides, making it difficult to treat or to find a cure.

A Cure For Herpes Studies

Currently many people are working hard to try to find a herpes cure. However right now the only form of treatment is that which helps suppress the herpes outbreaks as well as topical treatments to kill the virus once an outbreak occurs.

The simple fact that herpes is a virus makes it so hard to find a herpes cure. As a rule the immune sustem will deal with and destroy any viruses it finds but that fact that the herpes virus hides itself so well in the nerves when in the dormant phase makes finding a herpes cure a more difficult task.

Herpes Cure Medicines

Medication is currently the only solution that we have for herpes. Antiviral medication can help suppress the herpes outbreaks (but is not a herpes cure) and (sometimes) keeps the condition dormant. However varying levels of stress can still cause the virus to come out of the dormant stage. As of now there are no approved herpes vaccinations; however scientists are testing vaccinations on willing participants.

Prevention won't cure herpes, but...

Always use protection with new partners or if you know or suspect your partner may have herpes. This alone will help enormously in protecting you from getting infected with the herpes virus.

Sexual activity of an oral nature will also transmit the herpes virus. Using protection will prevent the spread of herpes in this manner. It is simple to do and whilst it is not a cure for herpes, it will almost certainly prevent you from contracting or spreading the herpes virus

If you are searching for an absolutely sure way to not get infected with herpes, you will need to think about abstaining from all sexual contact.
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How To Cure Herpes In Kids And Adults?

Herpes is a viral disease that generally affects the mouth and the genital areas. The virus called HSV-2 causes the genital virus. HSV 1 is responsible for the oral herpes.

The action of HSV 1 virus is generally seen among children. It is difficult to identify the symptoms at first though. Usually, when you see sores and blisters in the mouth of the kid for the first time you don't generally associate them with herpes. But when this goes on for some time the child continue to play and associate with their friends in the normal way, but in the process they have caused the disease to spread. The virus spreads very fast through physical contact.

Herpes attack is the peculiar one. The first attack is termed as the primary episode. When this subsides, it is not all over. It remains dormant in the nerves nearby, only to re-emerge periodically and cause further attacks. But once you know that it is herpes and not the common sores, the treatment perspective changes. With proper precautions, the immune system gradually builds up and once you know who the attacker is you take steps to reduce the impact of the attack.

Unfortunately, there is no permanent cure for this disease. The infected body will always remain the storehouse for the virus. As for the home cure, certain precautionary steps and matters relating to hygiene need to be understood thoroughly before putting them into practice.

Well, two things are important here. You need to stop the herpes attack from happening again and secondly, you should not become the transmission 'tower' to transfer this fast-spreading disease.

Some of the suggested steps that you can use at home to prevent the effect of this disease are discussed below.

1.After you get in contact with the person suffering from herpes, wash your hands.

2.Do not touch the sores with hands and not with the cloth even. Use cotton for the purpose and throw it after use.

3.The affected area needs to be cleaned and kept dry.

4.Until the herpes is healed, sexual contact is not recommendable. Genital herpes is a difficult condition. For the virus may be life long and under such a situation sexual activity must be avoided at all the costs. You will be the cause of spreading the disease to your sexual partner, if you violate this discipline.

5.During the peak of the outbreak, the pain will be unbearable, but there are natural ways to control it to some extent. The main care is related to the type of dressing you indulge in. Wear loose cotton clothes and try to keep the area dry.

6.Make liberal use of the ice packs by holding it on the affected part, for short durations. Take warm water bath. Carefully dry the affected areas with cotton.

All in all, herpes is a disease that can not be cured, but must be endured. But you can counter the magnitude of its nuisance to a great extent, if you keep all these natural aspects of care in mind!
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